o   abnormal loss

o   abnormal profits

o   absolute total loss

o   absolute advantage

o   absolute poverty

o   access to capital market

o   activity rate

o   ad valorem tax

o   advanced country

o   aerospace industry

o   affluent society

o   age pyramid

o   ageing

o   aggregate demand

o   aggregate supply

o   agricultural production

o   agricultural sector

o   agro-business

o   agro-tourism

o   alternative sources of energy

o   amalgamation

o   amortisation

o   ancillary unit

o   appropriate technology

o   arms industry

o   artificially stimulated demand

o   assembly line

o   asset-stripping

o   attrition

o   audio-visual industry

o   austerity

o   autarky

o   automatic stabilisers

o   average

o   average cost

o   average cost pricing

o   average revenue

o   average total cost